If everything goes according to plan you should see a login screen like this: Screenshot of ZTE ZXHN H108N Login. The default ZTE ZXHN H108N IP Address is: Find the address bar in your router and type in your router's IP address. This is normally at the top of the page like this: Browser address barĪbove is an example of what a web browser address bar looks like. Once you have opened the browser, find the address bar. It normally does not matter which browser you decide to open, I recommend picking your favorite such as Chrome, Internet Explorer, or Edge. To do this you need to open a web browser because router use what is called a web interface to make setting changes inside the router. Now it is time to login to the ZTE Nova ZXHN H108N router. If you do not set up a permanent IP address in your device, then when you device reboots it may get a new IP address.
This step is important because you want a permanent IP address in your device. Or, manually create a static ip address with our Static IP Guides.Another way to get a permanent IP address is to set up a DHCP reservation.Recommended - Our free Static IP Setter will set up a static IP address for you.
This ensures that your ports will remain open even after your device reboots. It is important to setup a static ip address in the device that you are forwarding a port to.